
How it works

Finding talent quickly and efficiently

Getting Started: Identifying Your Needs 

The initial step involves identifying your specific outsourcing requirements. While this can be accomplished through email correspondence, we highly recommend a telephone call or a face-to-face meeting with one of our managers. This direct conversation ensures that both parties gain a comprehensive understanding of your needs, fostering effective communication and alignment.  You can call us directly on +44 (0) 20 3151 6848 or contact us by email.
The information we will need is:
  • About your business – sector, size, the number of staff.
  • Whether you outsource or have external staffing arrangements already.
  • What type of staff you need, such as IT, programmers, accounts, administration or any other sector. How many staff are required now, and how many more might be required in the future, so a brief insight into your workforce planning.
  • You can recruit staff for specific projects where the employment will be for a fixed period or long term this is also known as building augmentation teams. Outline job descriptions so that we can initiate the recruitment process. if we already do not have the required staff for the workload that you wish to outsource We keep databases of available staff so that we may be able to provide candidates quickly.
Prior to commencing our services, we kindly request that you review and agree to our terms and conditions. After our initial communication, we will promptly send you the necessary documentation for your review and confirmation. 

Interested in our work?

If you would like to learn more about GSI and our work, or you would like to cooperate with us, send us a message anytime.